In his painting series titled Contrast Series, Beşer explores the transitions between
what we see and what we speak, by transforming text into images. Trying to convey
that in this series he has produced, everything is made up of poles that are
interconnected, transformable and contain their opposites, Beşer tries to show new
images and contrasting words by transforming a singular image on a canvas through
blue and red lights.
In this series of paintings created by Beşer, the opposite of one word determines the
meaning of the other. Beşer deals with the inability of one of the opposites to be
independent from the other and the contradictions in the world with his works.
Regarding this similarity-difference opposition created by the opposite elements that
make the universe and nature, Heraclitus refers as follows: “The opposite things come
together and the most beautiful harmony arises from the irreconcilable opposites.
Everything happens as a result of conflict.” Conflict, harmony and disharmony form the
essence of this series of Beşer.
Most of the works we are publishing are from his exhibition in Tetovo, during his period
of residency, in the framework of READ, an experience he explains in the interview that
is published in olur Dossier.